SD Podcast and Stories | South Dakota Community Foundation

Stories of Generosity

Inspiring stories from donor, community, advisor and nonprofit partners

Listen to inspiring stories from partner donors, nonprofits and community members. SDCF Podcast Series

Giving From the Heart with Former Governor Dennis and Linda Daugaard

Former Governor Dennis Daugaard, and his wife Linda, have given back to South Dakota in numerous ways–from serving as 32nd governor and first lady of South Dakota from 2011 to 2019, to their dedication to multiple organizations, including the Children’s Home Society, the Fairy Godmother’s Fund, and South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) where Dennis currently serves as Vice Chair on the Board of Directors.

Dennis and Linda recently joined Jamie Farmen, Community Development Coordinator & Marketing Manager for SDCF, to discuss the power of giving back to South Dakota and the ways they are making an impact.

In this episode, you will hear:

  • Dennis and Linda’s early life
  • What organizations the Daugaards have given back to in meaningful ways
  • Why Dennis and Linda have included a life estate in their philanthropic giving

“As years go by, you start realizing everything you have in life is all a matter of degree,” said Dennis. “You’re always in some way wanting to achieve more in the material world and it’s all at the end of the day, gilding the lily. So, why not do what really helps you in your heart and that is, help people that really need something. Not the gilding of the lily that you think you need.”

Listen to learn more.

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