First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund
Learn about the CSA in Wall, SD.

Founded in 1989 Giving Back to Wall
The First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund officially partnered with the South Dakota Community Foundation in 1989 as a way of supporting nonprofit and charitable projects and organizations in and around the community. The fund is a permanent endowment with the South Dakota Community Foundation and managed by a local board of directors. To date, $425,000 has been raised by the board, who have also distributed over $379,000 in grants and scholarships back to the community. The First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund celebrated their 25th anniversary in 2014.
In 2009, the Greater Wall Area Fund was challenged by the First Interstate BancSystem Foundation to raise $10,000 each year for five years. If they were successful, they would receive a $10,000 matching grant. In addition, the South Dakota Community Foundation offered a match of $25,000 at the end of the five year challenge. In December 2014, the board of the Greater Wall Area Fund successfully completed their challenge.
“Our endowment provides nonprofit organizations in the community access to capital in time of need. We found out that people in our community can be very generous when supporting an effort they believe in.”
Brett Blasius, President of the First Interstate Bank in Wall and Chair of the Greater Wall Area Fund

Grants are available to nonprofit groups and organizations in the Wall area. Please contact one of our board members to acquire a grant/scholarship application.
Our Contributors
We are so grateful to the generous donors and businesses in the Wall area for supporting this effort. Everything that we do for the community is because of the people and businesses listed below. Thank you for your support!
Anderson Brothers Partnership |
Best-Wall, Inc. |
Bob & Lori Sutton |
Brett & Paula Blasius |
Bruce & Lynn Dunker |
City of Wall |
Clayton & Charlene Kjerstad |
Corner Pantry & Subway of Wall |
Creighton Community Hall |
Dakota Sky Stone |
Dakota Sky Stone |
Darwin & Lorrie Geigle |
Dawn Hilgenkamp |
Dennis "Denny" & Bonnie Law |
Elden & Lillian Helms |
First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc. |
First Interstate Bank |
First Western Bank-Wall |
Golden West Telecommunications |
Guy & Jeannie Smith |
Jace & Tisha Shearer |
Jean Smith |
John & Dawna Tsitrian |
Juanita Schroeder |
Kenneth & Janet Lurz |
Ken's Refrigeration & Heating, Inc. |
Larry & Peggy Gravatt |
Lindsy Reagle |
Marilyn Huether |
Mark & Jenny Patterson |
Matt & Stephanie Judson |
Michael O'Keefe |
Norbert & Jane Sebade |
Patricia Kjerstad |
Patricia Kjerstad |
Patricia Kjerstad |
Patrick & Marla Tisdale |
Patty Coleman |
Peter Dunker |
Prairie Whisperers |
Richard & Pamela Johnson |
Rick & Patt Hustead |
Roger Nikodym & Debbie Wattson |
Ryan & Cynthia Dinger |
Sleppy Hollow Campground & RV Park, LLC |
South Dakota Community Foundation |
Stan & Terri Anderson |
Sunshine Inn |
Supporters of First Interstate Greater Wall Area |
Susan Eisenbraun |
Tanner & Kimberly Handcock |
Todd & Samra Trask |
Tommi & Taylor Mohnen |
Wall Drug Store, Inc. |
Wall Service, Inc. |
Wayne & Melanie Shull |
Welsh's Motel |
West River Electric Association, Inc. |
WESTCO Home Center |
Westco, Inc. |
In 1989, Norbert Sebade joined a group of community leaders interested in building an endowment fund for the Wall area. He and his wife Jane have made the single largest individual contribution to the First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund in its history. Their gift of $25,000 has established the Norbert and Jane Sebade Greater Wall Area Fund which will benefit local nonprofit organizations.
“We believe this to be a worthy cause in a town that we’ve called home for many years.”
- Norbert Sebade
Norbert and Jane’s contribution was made in memory of the Sebade family who came to Wall in 1909. Henry (Heinie) Sebade homesteaded on Bull Creek Hill and his wife, Anna (Mooney) was raised on Mooney Hill near Creighton. Their contribution will help the First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund board of directors to give more grants each year to nonprofit and community projects making the Wall area a better place to live.
Meet Our Advisory Council
- Brett Blasius
- Stan Anderson
- Tanner Handcock
- Jackie Heathershaw
- Richard Hustead
- Richard Johnson
- Patricia Kjerstad
- Denny Law
- Norbert Sebade
- John Tsitrian
Support the Wall CSA Help Wall thrive for generations to come.
Contact Information
P.O. Box 402
Wall, SD 57790
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.