Salem Area Foundation | South Dakota Community Foundation

Salem Area Foundation

Learn about the CSA in Salem, SD.

Man looking at a field

Founded in 2007 Giving Back to Salem

The Salem Area Foundation was established in 2007 to provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Salem area at the recommendation of the Salem Area Foundation Board of Directors. Local leaders accepted a challenge in 2007 to raise $75,000 in three years. The board completed the challenge in 2010 and received a $25,000 grant from the South Dakota Community Foundation to help build their fund. Since inception, generous donors have given $145,001.00 to the Salem Area Foundation community savings account allowing grants totaling $52,375 to be given back to nonprofits in and around Salem. In addition, two subfunds were also started to benefit area students - The Scheier Family Scholarship Fund and John Stiefvater Memorial Scholarship Fund have given back to graduates from McCook County.

In 2013, the board partnered with the city to create on opportunity for residents to give toward the construction of a new pool. Over $202,000 has been given by donors toward the development of a new pool facility.

SAF logo


The Salem Area Foundation has awarded $52,375 to 501(c)3 organizations, charitable nonprofit groups and organizations in and around Salem. Grants are generally awarded in the spring of each year. For more information about grant opportunities or a grant application form from the Salem Area Foundation, please contact Glenda Blindert (605-425-3140) or Janet Karel (605-421-0864).

Our Contributors

Grants are made possible through the generosity of our contributors. Thank you to the following individuals, organizations and businesses for supporting our great community!

Alan & Janet Karel
Allen & Anita Feterl
Blindert Ins. Agency
Bob & Lori Sutton
C. Loren & Lovonne Norberg
Donald B. Garry
Doris C. Schultz
Duane & Carol Pistulka
Elizabeth Stiefvater
First Dakota National Bank
Frank J. Brune Post 140
Harlan Paulsen
Jeremy & Jeanette Grady
Kinzley Funeral Home
Lou Ella Weber
Martha Fischer
Progressive Salem Association
Ronald & Mary Feterl
Salem Community Women
Sturdevant's Auto Parts
Terry & Becki Forster

Avera Salem Family Medical Clinic
Central Farmers Cooperative
Ed & Sharon Kranz
Floral Bokay
Fremar, LLC
Gert Kayser
John & Michele Barnett
John McCormick
Land O' Lakes Foundation
Lou Ella Weber
Lyle & Kay Johnson
McCook County Dental Center
McCook Insurance Agency, Inc.
McGreevy Clinic-Avera Salem
Michael Stiefvater, DVM
Paul & Linda Schmit
Salem Lumber Company
Steve & Cathy Peterson
The Family of Loren Westhoff

Timothy & Monica Campbell

Alan & Janet Karel
Darwin Miiller
Mary Lou Fluegel Beath
McCormick Motors, Inc.
Patrick & Dawn Scheier
R & M Feterl Properties, LLP
Ralph & Gayle Dybdahl
Roger & Bernette Gerlach
Roger & Maureen Feterl
Roland Loudenburg
Salem Farmers Market
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation
Timothy & Monica Campbell
Zapp Hardware

Avera McGreevy Clinic - Salem
Carter & Sharon Wiese
*Dick & Jolene Porter
First Dakota National Bank
Jerry & Sheila Heiberger
Keith & Tammy Paulsen
Ken & Rhonda Koch
McCook County Historical Society & Museum
Mildred Larson
Novak Sanitary Service
Pipestone System Farmers Pork
Randy Sabers & Associates/Eickman Insurance Agency, Inc.
Salem Chiropractic Clinic
Salem Community Drug
Salem Community Women
Salem Veterinary Service
Sharon Kinzley
South Dakota Community Foundation

Harlan Paulsen
Ronald & Mary Feterl
R & M Feterl Properties, LLP
Dean & Shirlyn Christensen
Janet Karel
Sharon Kinzley
Steven Johnson

Vincent & Katherine Serritella
Cub Scout Pack #42
Elizabeth Stiefvater
Salem Car Show (Proceeds)
MidAmerican Energy

Salem Farms LLC
Blindert, Bridget M.
Rayman, Mitch & Jamie
Kinzley, Sharon
Karel, Alan & Janet
Ziegmann, Merlin & Sandy
Ecklein, Ron & Aldena
Meyer, Thomas & Cheryl
Danielsen, Gene & Karen
Bies, Darrell & Sandra
Hieb, Willard & Sharon
Skoglund, David & Mary
Sabers, Trent & Amy
Kolbeck, Mrs. Ray (Dolores)
Feterl, Robert & Evelyn
Cash, (No address mail)
Lobien, Donald & Debra
Streff, Eugene & Julie
Pearson, Daryl & Dorothy
Cash, (Anonymous bank)
Schmeichel, Larry & Mary
Barnett, John & Michele
Weber, Vince & Sheri
Marks, Maralyn or Treva
Nelson, Richard & Rosella
Schierholz, Bryan & JoAnn
Tuschen, Don & Amy
McKillop, Dan & LuAnn
Heiberger, Helene I
Heiberger, Mary Jo
Eichacker, George & Carla
Welbon, Clara
VanEmmerik, Leonard & Ella
Kipp, Leroy & Eunice
Lacey, Frank & Luella
VanEmmerik, Leland & Janine
Forster, Rose
Eichacker, Steve & Cathy
Tjaden, Robbi
Blindert, Genevieve
Zelmer, Ryan & Kally
Feterl, Lee & Mary Ann
Roling, Rich & Cathy
Mehlbrech, Charles & Linda
Cash (Christmas Craft Show)
Eickman, Mark & Beth
Sabers, Keith A.
Scheier, Patrick L. & Dawn E.
Loudenburg, Roland
Stiefvater, Elizabeth
Stiefvater, Mike & Carie
Grady, Jeremy & Jeanette
Blindert, Craig & Glenda
First Dakota National Bank
Feterl, Allen & Anita
Sherman, Geralyn
Olinger, Fred & Rhonda
Dorale, Naomi (Cash)
St. Mary's Quilters Cash)
McCormick, Michael & Kay
Sabers, Jack & Vivian
Rotert, William & Teresa
Skaff, Jean & Beth
Koch Dean & Joann
Gottlob, Michael & Jessica
Finley, Roger & Leann
Zelmer, Douglas & Michelle
Eichacker, David & Jolene
Sabers, Celeste
Paulsen, Keith & Tammy
Heiberger, Douglas
Eichacker, Mike & Michele
Puthoff, Lyle & Shirley
Wagner, Daniel & Joni
Schallenkamp, Shirley

Buus, Maria
Chase, Tracy
Anderson, Ted & Karla
Serritella, Vincent & Katherine
Wilkins, Brad & Pat
Johnson, Marvin & Brenda
Anderson, Jeff & Marcia (JefMar)
Stiefvater, Harold & Joan Mae
Aden, Keith & Marlene
Klinkhammer, Ryan & Holly
SAE Warehouse, Inc.

First Dakota National Bank

Eickhacker, David & Jolene

Hazen, Rick & E. Jane

Salem Veterinary Service-Mike Stiefvater

Eichacker Farms, Bill & Deb
Blindert Insurance
Scheier, Pat & Dawn
Johnson, Steven R.
Blindert, Bridget M.
Bartling, Beverly
Beardsley, Mariann
Erickson, Barry & Diana
Rotert, Ruth
Stiefvater, Harold & Joan Mae
Schmeichel, Gerald
Matthaei, Bob & Carol
Stiefvater, Elizabeth
Kolbeck, Mrs. Ray (Dolores)
Cheeseman Financial
Erickson, Troy L.
Kipp, Leroy & Eunice
Feterl, Allen & Anita
Gottlob, Pat & Laura
Skoglund, David & Mary
Uphoff, Eugene & Jacklynn
Ecklein, Ron & Eldena
Elm Grove Farms, Ecklein
Weber, Vince & Sheri
Bennett, Ronald & LeEtta
Feterl, Lee & Mary Ann
Eichacker, Steve & Cathy
J & L Supply, Gottlob, Jim & Lynn
Peterson, Tom & Carol
Eichacker, Donald & Elaine
Salem Lumber Company
Schmeichel, Larry & Mary
Eichacker, Carla
McKillop, Dan & LuAnn
Ahlers, Alida
Sherman, Geralyn
Karel, Alan & Janet
Kinzley, Sharon
McCormick, Michael & Kay
Tjaden, Robbi
Wagner, Daniel & Joni
Heiberger, Douglas
VanEmmerik, Leland & Janine
Grady, Jeremy & Jeanette
Puthoff, Lyle & Shirley
Zelmer, Ryan & Kally
Rasmussen, Jack
Miller, Tara
Sabers, Randy & Bonnie
Gourley, Dennis & Kathy

Steven Johnson
Ronald & Aldena Ecklein
Jack & Vivian Sabers
Lauck & Koepsell Construction, Inc.
Salem Veterinary Service

Linda Schmit
Chris & Michelle Feterl
Daniel & Joni Wagner
Daniel & Luann McKillop
Randy & Bonnie Sabers
Francis & Ree Scheier
Geralyn Sherman
Ronald & Julianne Kolbeck
Jack Rasmussen
Elizabeth Stiefvater
Ed & Sharon Kranz
George & Carla Eichacker
Sharon Tuschen
Thomas & Carol Peteron
Eugene & Karen Danielsen
Fred & Rhonda Olinger
Bob & Val Westhoff
Alan & Janet Karel
Blindert Ins. Agency
Ronald & Leetta Bennett
David & Karen Fendrich
Charles & Linda Mehlbrech
Pat & Laura Gottlob
Robert Anderson
Monica Anderson
Lyle & Shirley Puthoff
Sharon Kinzley
Lee & Mary Ann Feterl
David & Jolene Eichacker
William & Teresa Rotert
Eichacker Simmentals
Darrell & Sandra Bies
David & Mary Skoglund
Eugene & Jacklynn Uphoff
Elaine Eichacker
Michael & Kay McCormick
Elm Grove Farms LLC
Ronald & Aldena Ecklein
APH Stores, Inc.
Charles & Linda Mehlbrech
Allen & Anita Feterl
Lauck & Koepsell Construction, Inc.
Kenneth & Linda Patrick
Alida Ahlers
Helene Heiberger
Puthoff Sales & Service
Steven Johnson
Jacob Thurston
Douglas & Michelle Zelmer
McCormick Motors, Inc.
Check presentation to Wildwood Cemetery

Meet Our Advisory Council

These are the local leaders dedicated to building a sustainable resource for Salem.

  • Glenda Blindert
  • Jeremy Grady
  • Janet Karel
  • Sharon Kinzley
  • Roland Loudenburg
  • Pat Scheier
  • Mike Stiefvater

Support the Salem CSA Help the Salem area thrive for generations to come.

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in our foundation. If you have questions or comments about partnership opportunities, please let us know.